Welcome, welcome to our brand new psychanalist clinic !

We may be able to help you, especialy with curing your delirium.... Come in and we'll see what we can do for you !

Display and Commands

This Game can be played with either keyboard and mouse or a gamepad.

It is compatible with any standard screen resolution.

Key mapping are the followings :

* Move inner yin & yang: WASD/Arrows/Left and Right Sticks/D-Pad

* Move: WASD/Arrows/Left Stick/D-Pad

* Aim: Mouse/Right Stick

* Fire: Mouse left Click/Space/Right Trigger/Right Shoulder

* Pause menu: Escape/Select/Start


This game was made by ourselves (Furano & Aune) in 72h for the Ludum Dare 51 game jam.

The small breakfast fix (Tuesday 5 morning) : Wall collider missing + window material fix


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Delirious game, 10/10.